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Bethany Steps Up to the Plate 2018

Bethany Kelly has, literally, stepped up to the plate. With the Moree on a Plate festival only weeks away, this marks her first as President of the event, a role she has described as challenging, by rewarding.

Bethany Kelly, left, is congratulated by Mary-Kate McCormick

“It’s a big job but thankfully there is an amazing committee of people around me and together we seem to find our way each year!” She laughed.

The local school teacher and mother of three took over the role of President from Mary-Kate McCormick.

Mary-Kate, who had an extremely successful tenure of three years, stepped down from the committee upon the birth of her fourth baby late last year.

“I loved my time working on the committee, and while very sad to stand down, I was confident that the team was right to continue to grow and improve the event,” Mary-Kate explained.

Bethany conceded she had big shoes to fill and thanked Mary-Kate and all past and present committee members for their very generous efforts.

“It takes a lot of time and effort to organise something like Moree on a Plate, and while it can be at the expense of family or work time, it is definitely worth it when you pull off such a wonderful day out that the whole community can enjoy,’ Bethany said.

“We certainly feel grateful for living in such a great town and having the opportunity to give something back.”

With organisers putting the finishing touches on the day’s program, Bethany said their attention was now at attracting volunteers on the day.

“We always have a great roll up of people willing to help out so we’re asking those interested to contact us for a volunteer form.”

Volunteers are needed for Friday 12th late afternoon set up, during the festival, and festival pack up after 4pm on the 13th.

In particular Bethany said any men available for set up and pack up would be much appreciated.

“Most of the committee are women, and we can certainly hold our own, but sometimes a little extra muscle makes our job a bit easier!”

Volunteerings on the day – a great way to get involved and meet new people

She also encouraged anyone interested in becoming part of the festival committee for 2018 to let them know.

“It really is a fun committee – it’s a great way to meet new people, becoming involved in the community and organise an event that is continuing to grow and evolve into one of NSW’s premier food and wine festivals.”

For more information on becoming a volunteer please email or Ph 04002052


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